Centre for Training & Research

A Trust of Caritas Bangladesh

CDI Training

Training :

Training is one of the key domain of CDI. CDI plays a vital role for institution and capacity building of Caritas and its development partner’s. CDI has long experience in designing, and conducting training courses. CDI offers a broad range of training courses.

Long Course:

CDI offers a three-month long Diploma Course on Social Analysis and Development. The course aims to gain a deeper understanding about social and development issues in the local, national And global context. It also aims to enhance capabilities for effectively respond to community needs in the light of spirituality and morality of Key Religions.

Training Programmes :

1 Man-Woman Relationship (Gender).
2 Leadership and Management.
3 Right Based Approaches and Good Governance.
4 Health and Sanitation.
5 Ecological Conservation and Development.
6 Education and Formation.
7 Community and Social Development Related Training.

Training Courses

Man-Woman Relationship (Gender)
1 Man-Woman Relationship and Development.
2 Men Women Relationship Analysis Frameworks.
3 Mainstreaming Man-Woman Relationship in Climate Change and Adaptation.
4 Facilitation and Man-Woman Relationship in Disaster Risk Reduction Activities.
Leadership and Management

1 Development Leadership.
2 Adivasi Leadership.
3 Youth Leadership.
4 Woman Leadership.
5 Community Leadership and management.
6 Effective Managerial Skill Development.
Right Based Approaches and Good Governance
1 Advocacy, Lobbying and Networking.
2 Good Governance.
3 Human Rights, Justice and Peace.
4 Prevention of Human Trafficking.
5 Child Protection and Development.
Health and Sanitation

1 Reproductive Health and Rights.
2 Reproductive Health and life Skill.
3 Child Nutrition.
4 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).
Ecological Conservation and Development
1 Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.
2 Disaster management/Risk Reduction.
3 Facilitation Skill Development of Disaster Emergency Initiative.
Education and Formation
1 Orientation on Caritas and Development.
2 Value Education.
3 Early Childhood and Development Training (ECD).
4 Training of Trainers (TOT).
5 Training Need Assessment.
6 Facilitation Skill Development.
Community and Social Development Related Training
1 Social Analysis and Development.
2 Community Driven Development (CDD).
3 Asset Based Community Development (ABCD).
4 People Led Development (PLD).
5 Integrating a Value Chain perspective in rural Development.
6 Effective Managerial Skill Development.

Admission Procedure

Training participants are required to be nominated by their respective organizations/sponsors. Request for training has to submit at least one month prior to the course commences or please fill out the form.

Training Calendar

Training Gallery

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